Date: Sunday, January 26, 2020
Series Description:
The book called Luke in the Bible, was written by a Gentile believer named Luke, who was a close associate of the Apostle Paul. He set out to carefully investigate the truth concerning Jesus Christ, using the eyewitness accounts of those who were with and knew Jesus and His ministry. His intent in writing this Gospel was so that his readers would know the truth regarding Jesus and what they have been taught concerning Him. It is our hope in studying this Gospel, that we too would better understand the truth concerning Jesus, so that we may better know Him and make Him known to others.
Sermon Description:
In the midst of the teachings and healings of Jesus, He knew that He had a specific destination at a specific time for His earthly journey. Yet, if the people had their way, Jesus’ journey would have stopped at the point that He fed the five thousand plus people with just five loaves of bread and two fish, and He probably would have been crowned king by the masses. However, this was not the purpose of Jesus’ journey, so He took His apostles aside in order to talk about His ultimate mission. He did this by spending intimate times just with them; away from the crowds and away from the chatter of people. We will look together at Luke 9:18-36, and see how this was an important "rest stop" on Jesus' journey with His apostles.