My name is Yurika Riggert, and I am the snack coordinator for VBS this year. I wanted to take this time to give you a quick overview on the snack portion of the program.
At the end of each VBS session, we will have a featured snack that ties in with the weekly lesson. The snacks will be made together while online.
ZOOM Snack Time:
To assemble the snacks, I will give a quick live demonstration to all the children together.
The children are then invited to go to their assigned break-out rooms where they will
Assemble the snacks together
While the snacks are easy to put together, a parent may need to be present to assist a younger child.
Eat together
Chat and share with one another
Break-out rooms will be assigned by age group, and each room will be chaperoned by at least one adult to encourage conversations and foster friendships.
If you did not receive a kit, your child can either eat a different snack or you can prepare the day’s snack ingredients according to the table below.
If you miss a week of VBS, you can find the snack recipes below, so you can make them another time. The recipes for the snacks will be added after the Sunday VBS Session is completed for the week.
Snack Ingredients:
The ingredients will be part of the package you pick-up from the San Diego Japanese Christian Church on Saturday, August 1st between 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (Pacific Time).
The ingredients needed for the snacks are packed individually for each child and clearly marked for the corresponding week.
The ingredients for the snacks are all non-perishable. There are items that could melt or get soft (i.e. chocolates, frosting, licorice, etc.) so it is recommended to store it in a cool place.
Please see the table below if you would like to purchase the snack ingredients because you either did not receive a kit or because you would like to prepare a snack for others in your family.
Items that need to be provided by parents are in bold.
I hope that this is helpful to you. I look forward to spending time with your children and getting to know them. If you have any questions regarding the snack portion of the VBS Program, please contact me at vbs.snacks.sdjcc@gmail.com.
Grace and blessings to you all,
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
Matthew 18:20
2020年 VBS(Vacation Bible School)参加の保護者のみなさま、
私はVBSのスナック担当のRiggert, Yurika(リガ―ト・ユリカ)です。
Zoom スナックタイム
その後、子供たちは、Break-out roomに分かれて、そのルームでスナックを一緒に作ります。
(Break-out roomの組み分けは、年齢によりあらかじめ決めてあります)
Break-out room は年齢によって分けられます。それぞれのグループには大人が一人入り、
・スナックのキットは8月1日の9時~12時(PT)に、SDJCCでピックアップする VBSのパッケージに入っています。
・スナックの材料は、腐らないようなものばかりです。チョコレートが入っているので、 涼しいところで保管してください。
・スナックの材料をご自分で用意したい、または、他のお友達のために用意したい、 というときには、下の表の各週のスナックの材料をご覧ください。
【 】の中は、ご自宅でご用意していただくものです。
k: これがお役に立てますようにと願っています。
――― マタイの福音書18章20節 ――――