The Gospel According to Luke: Our Relationship to Christ
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The Gospel According to Luke: Our Relationship to Christ

Date: Sunday, June 9, 2019

Series Description:

The book called Luke in the Bible, was written by a Gentile believer named Luke, who was a close associate of the Apostle Paul. He set out to carefully investigate the truth concerning Jesus Christ, using the eyewitness accounts of those who were with and knew Jesus and His ministry. His intent in writing this Gospel was so that his readers would know the truth regarding Jesus and what they have been taught concerning Him. It is our hope in studying this Gospel, that we too would better understand the truth concerning Jesus, so that we may better know Him and make Him known to others.

Sermon Description:

John the Baptist was fully devoted to God. His preaching on the baptism of repentance led people to genuine faith and right living. Yet, he also made it clear that the Christ who was to come after him was greater, and would baptize with the Holy Spirit. The fulfillment of this was seen on the Day of Pentecost, when Jesus poured out the Spirit upon His disciples. With the Spirit's power, Peter preached a message of repentance and baptism in the name of Jesus. The same message of repentance and the promise of the Holy Spirit given through faith in Jesus is still being proclaimed today. May we respond in faith, and give ourselves fully to God.

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