Date: Sunday, January 27, 2019
Series Description:
Our new message series is "Growth Comes From Being Healthy." We will be looking at what it means to be healthy in all aspects of our life: beginning with our faith and relationship with God, our spiritual health, and then with our physical, mental, emotional, and relational well-being. The starting point for this study is to understand and acknowledge our current state of health, and then to desire and work toward change for the better. May we seek the Lord together in being healthy and fruitful people!
Sermon Description:
Last week, we talked about nutrition from a standpoint of WHAT WE EAT—that is our food choice. In doing so, we wanted to begin with the premise that our faith in God means that we trust in His authority in every aspect of our lives, including our food choices. The ultimate goal in eating is to receive the most out of the nutrients that the food we eat provides, so that we might be healthy and can function optimally. Today, we will look at HOW WE EAT our food impacts our health.