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HE > all: Exhortation for Christian Living

Date: Sunday, July 15, 2018

Series Description: All authority is given to Jesus. He is our Lord. The Book of Hebrews goes into detail regarding Jesus' superiority over all things. HE is greater than all, and we need to affirm and live out this reality as His disciples.

Sermon Description: The writer of Hebrews, as he comes toward the end of this letter to Jewish believers who were experiencing persecution, exhorted them to continue to gather together as followers of Christ and to spur one another on towards love and good deeds, to endure persecution and suffering by keeping their focus on Christ, and as we will see today, that they would love one another even as Christ has loved them. There is no greater example of complete and whole-hearted love for mankind than our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! Relationship is important to God! Not only is He concerned about our whole-hearted devotion to Him, but He is also concerned about our whole-hearted devotion to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

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