Date: Sunday, April 1, 2018
Sermon Description: The resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated on Easter Sunday, is an event that is central to our very reason for existence as a Christian church. The fact that we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection means that He had died. Although He Himself was innocent and was without sin, He died a most horrifyingly painful death by crucifixion; a death which He willingly accepted to pay for the penalty of our sins. After His death, He was laid in a tomb. But 3 days later, Jesus rose from the dead. For us, it is a great day of celebration. However, it is not a great day for everyone. Like any event in history, there are various people in the story, and not all people respond to things in the same manner. In Matthew 28:1-20, we will see that people responded to Jesus’ resurrection in positive and negative ways. We can choose to live in fear and believe in a lie or live with hope and joy and peace by believing in the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. Have you been believing in and living a lie, or have you been living by faith in the truth concerning Jesus, God’s Son? Your response to the resurrection of Jesus Christ matters!