Date: Sunday, March 26, 2017
Series Description:
The Thessalonians are commended for their faith, especially in the midst of opposition and tribulation. Paul is genuinely concerned about their spiritual growth and maturing, wanting them to “excel still more” in their faith and in their love for one another. Paul exhorts the Thessalonian believers to remain faithful, and continue to work diligently. These are the very things that we also should take to heart in the midst of the world we live in today.
Sermon Description: We are to LIVE as those who are saved, who are of the day, who have eternal life, and thus have hope! We are to be fully cognizant of what is going on around us. We cannot claim ignorance to the things that are happening in the world, or in the lives of those around us. We cannot claim ignorance or apathy toward the darkness that surrounds us. We need to shed God’s light in the dark places of this world, with the hope that people living in the darkness will see God’s light and turn to Him. We need to be proactive in our walk with Christ. We are to encourage and build up one another to be girded with Christ in our daily lives!