Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017
Series Description:
The Thessalonians are commended for their faith, especially in the midst of opposition and tribulation. Paul is genuinely concerned about their spiritual growth and maturing, wanting them to “excel still more” in their faith and in their love for one another. Paul exhorts the Thessalonian believers to remain faithful, and continue to work diligently. These are the very things that we also should take to heart in the midst of the world we live in today.
Sermon Description: The Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is true and powerful! Faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, which the Gospel proclaims, is what saves us! Paul spoke with confidence and boldness, because he truly believed and understood the importance of the Gospel message. He also shared the Gospel with a right attitude, not as a means for personal benefit, but to please God and to remain faithful to his call in Christ. The Gospel, if it has truly transformed us, will compel us to share it, and share it with gentleness and love.