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神の真理を忠実に宣べ伝える-Faithfully Proclaims God’s Truth



A Church Pleasing to God (5): Faithfully Proclaims God’s Truth

Pastor Ichibei Honda

When we think of July 4th, of course in this country we think of independence, and historically we remember it as the day in which the Declaration of Independence was signed by the founding leaders of this nation. More recently, I have found out that some of the founding leaders of this nation, 9 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence to be exact, were freemasons. When thinking about a nation’s identity, one must think about its history, particularly its founding leadership and what they believe and value. At the same time, in thinking about history and how it goes through revisions, I am challenged to wonder about the reliability and truthfulness of this country’s history. As Christians, we are reminded that history is ultimately about HIStory: God’s story. And God’s story is recorded for us in the Bible. It does not change and does not go through revisions. Thus, we as a church are called to faithfully proclaim God's truth found in the Bible.



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