『 スモールグループの聖書の学び:キリストのうちに成長する鍵』本多一米師
Small Group Bible Studies: Key to Growing in Christ by Pastor Ichibei Honda

When Jesus began His public ministry, He ministered to thousands of people. However, Jesus spent most of His time with His twelve disciples. Jesus knew that He could best minister to this small group and instill in them His teaching as well as His way of living. Worship service is our corporate time together as a church family to worship God. However, the worship service is not the best place for us to develop close relationships in which to study the Bible together and pray for one another. Bible studies in small groups allow us to do this. Those who are a part of a Bible study group, grow in their faith in God, develop loving commitment to others within such a group, and also learn the joy of serving God and others.
Worship Service Video 礼拝動画
Message Audio (English Only) メッセージ音声