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わたしたちの負債をもおゆるしください - And Forgive Us Our Debts



And Forgive Us Our Debts by Pastor Ichibei Honda

“And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). The words that Jesus spoke here in teaching us how to pray have two parts to it. First, it is a request to God to forgive us our debts; that is our sins. Indeed, sinning is like incurring a debt. When we sin, we owe someone an apology. The second part of the prayer is a reminder for us to forgive others: “as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Indeed, not forgiving others can also weigh heavily upon our hearts like a debt that is owed. Forgiving others is just as important as seeking forgiveness. We will look at the importance of forgiving others when we look at Matthew 6:14-15 in a couple of weeks. This message we will focus on the importance and blessing of us seeking God’s forgiveness.




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