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「デボラとバラク:信仰によって神の呼びかけに応える」 - “Deborah and Barak: Answering God’s Call by Faith”


"Deborah and Barak: Answering God’s Call by Faith" by Pastor Ichibei Honda

The time of the judges, which lasted about 340 years, is recorded for us in the Bible in the book of Judges. For the Israelites, it was a time of testing their faith in God and obedience to Him. They followed God and were blessed under the leadership of those who God raised up for them. However, once the leader (judge) of that particular time died, the people went back to their immoral and idolatrous ways and found themselves in distress. Then, they would cry out to God, and God would once again raise up a judge to lead His people. One of the judges that God raised up was a woman named Deborah. Although Deborah was called to be a judge of Israel, she was not called to lead the Israelite army to victory. God called Barak to do that. And together, they answered God’s call to step out in faith into the battlefield in order to celebrate God’s victory over their enemies. Let us learn from their example of how to answer God’s call by faith.




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