Will the children be making crafts during VBS?
Due to this year’s online format for VBS, children will be doing crafts on their own at home during the week. There are no assigned items to make, so please have your child create one item on the theme of sea animals or beach each week. We have included labels with each week’s Bible memory verse, so you can place them on the crafts.
Some websites that may be helpful to get ideas on crafts are:
What craft supplies are included in the VBS kit?
Pipe cleaners, origami papers, colored feathers, colored yarn, craft sticks, paper plates and paper cups. However, please feel free to use any craft items you have around your house as well.
What do I with the crafts made during VBS?
Please keep all the craft items made during VBS to make a mobile using hangers to hang them. Between August 23 and 26th, please take a picture of the child holding the mobile and send it to vbs.crafts.sdjcc@gmail.com by August 26th. We will have a slideshow of all the students’ work during the VBS graduation ceremony on August 30th.
How do I make the craft mobile?
You can make a mobile using one or two hangers from home. Here are pictures to give you some ideas, but please feel free to make it in any way you would like to!
今年は、オンラインでVBSを行うにあたり、クラフトは、それぞれお子さんが、ご家庭で作っていただくことになります。決まった課題はありませんので、毎週、何か一つ、海の動物や ビーチをテーマにしたクラフトを自由に作ってみてください。また、その週の聖書箇所が印刷されているシールを作品に貼ってください。
VBSキットには、モール、折り紙、毛糸、クラフトスティック、紙皿、紙コップ、羽などが入っています。同封されてい るクラフト材料以外のものを使って下さっても結構です。