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Let's Get Real: Gospel Opportunities

Date: Sunday, September 24, 2017

Series Description:

The fact of the matter is that we live in a hedonistic and worldly culture. As Christians, we need to understand the difference between the life that we are given by God through faith in Jesus Christ and a life that is void of God. If we have our ears tuned into the world more than God’s Word, then slowly and surely we will see that our so-called Christian culture will not be distinguishable from today’s hedonistic culture. For the purpose of conciseness and focus, we will be addressing three areas of our current pleasure-seeking culture, mainly “Sex, Drugs, and Rock-N-Roll”. Thus, we are getting real about this topic, and will deal with a biblical response to today’s “Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-roll” culture.

Sermon Description: Jesus came into this world to bring us the Gospel; Good News! Of course, we could say that He Himself was the Good News; His coming into this broken world brought about salvation to mankind! As those saved through faith in Jesus, we are called to share the Gospel with others; seek Gospel opportunities, and live out the Gospel in a broken and hurting world!

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