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「ヤコブの12人の息子達:共通の遺産、目標、そして闘い」 - "Jacob’s Twelve Sons: Common Heritage, Goal, and Struggle "



Learning from Others, How to Live with God

" Jacob’s Twelve Sons: Common Heritage, Goal, and Struggle" by Pastor Ichibei Honda

Today, we will look at Jacob’s family which God gave to him. Specifically, we will look at the sons that God gave to Jacob and look at how God worked in their lives. Like any family, there was some sibling rivalry that took place among Jacob’s twelve sons. However, they stuck together through good times and bad times. As the twelve tribes of Israel, the descendants of Jacob’s children have shared a common heritage and common goal and common struggle. These things are still true of the people of Israel today. At the same time, those who are a part of the family of God share a common heritage and common goal and common struggle, and therefore need to stick together through good and bad times. 




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