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「ハムのような呪われた人生を克服する方法」 - "How to Overcome Living a Cursed Life Such as Ham’s"



Learning from Others, How to Live with God

"How to Overcome Living a Cursed Life Such as Ham’s" by Pastor Ichibei Honda

In the Bible, there are people like Enoch and Noah who walked faithfully with God.  There are also people like Ham who were not known for their faith in God.  Still, we can learn just as much from Ham’s life as we can from Enoch and Noah’s life.  As human beings, we share the same sinful nature, and as people created in the image of God, we share a common need to live in right relationship with God.  The Bible shows us through the lives of the people recorded in its pages, the blessings of living with God and the destructiveness of living without God.  It also shows us how we can overcome living a cursed life through God’s Son Jesus Christ.




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